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This is part of the view from my corner office at the 9th floor in the Concorde building. To the left you see the twin towers of the Marriot hotel, straight ahead the Dubai Creek Golf & Yacht Club. With this camera it looks really far away but in the real world I can see it very well.
This is the dome roof in MOE. It reminds me of an old railroad station.
Ok, my wife is here but where am I then? There?
No, I'm still in Dubai. This is a building on my way to the office that's being demolished.
While walking to the office yesterday morning I noticed this cluster of wasp-like insects on a loose electrical wire. They were still there this morning. I wonder why they are doing this here, in colder climates they cluster for keeping the heat but here with it being hotter than 42C (107F) it seems strange.
This is the view from the 12'th floor in the building where I live. You can see the creek and the Al Maktoum Bridge in the upper left corner of the picture.
This guard was checking the trunks and beneath all cars that entered the hotel area in Hyderabad for bombs. I don't know if this is a good thing or not. Ok, it's feels safe that they are checking, but at the same time it feels unsafe that that have to do it.
I've spent a few days in Hyderabad, India looking at an outsourcing company. This company have about 500 guys sitting at cubicle-desks like this churning out code all day long. In a years time there will be another 2000 guys (and girls) working there.
This particular company had put up a lot of posters and small framed plaques oth the walls with wise sayings and stuff. I particularly liked the one above
Whenever the gas for your stove is running low you just call for gas delivery and you'll get a new tube in 30 minutes. I have central gas in my apartment so i don't have to do that, but it's a nice and fast service.
Lena is queueing for the free health check at Deira City Centre. They were checking the waist size, blood glucose and blood pressure.
It seems like friday evenings is not a good time to go shopping at Deira City Centre. It took us almost one hour to just get out of the parking garage! Ok, I had parked at the 4'th floor. But one hour is insane!
This is the pork section in Pick & Save on Maktoum Street.